Once your sales data is in and checked, you can tweak the settings as to which statements to calculate, and which to pay out this year, or carry over to next.

Auto-select Statements to Payout

Setting the Minimum Payment

It’s likely that you will want to send only payments that exceed a certain threshold, to avoid cutting cheques for 3ยข or whatever. You can select that payment threshold in PubGizmo’s Admin section, on the first tab:

The starting value is $20. With this setting, any author with earnings of $20 or more this year will receive a payment, and any below that amount will have their earnings “carried over” to next year.

Once you’ve decided the your press’s Minimum Royalty Payment, go to the Royalties list view by clicking the Royalties button on the Home page.

Switching to List View

If you are brought straight to a single Royalty statement, click the green button with three vertical dots at the top to get the navigation menu, and select, Show List.

Flag for Payout

In List view, at the top, ensure the current Royalty Year is selected. You’ll know it is because the crown icon will appear to the right of the Royalty Year. From this menu, select “Flag Eligible for Payout”:

This action will send PubGizmo through your list and checking off the box to pay out in this royalty year.

Note you can manually add or remove the checkbox, either in List view in the “Pay XXXX,” where XXXX is the royalty year, or you can do so on the form view of the statement itself.

With this checkbox unselected, the Amount Earned goes into the Carry Forward to Next field. With the box checked, the Amount Earned will appear here and on the printed statement in the Statement Payment field.

Decide Which Royalty Statements to Calculate

You may have old, new, or irrelevant Contracts in your system, that do no not need to be included in your royalty rollout. You can uncheck this box is several spots:

  • per the screen captures above, on the Royalty form itself
  • in Royalty list view, by checking/unchecking the box in the Calc Royalty column
  • on the Title form view, on the right side of the Contracts portal, in the Calc Roy column
  • at the extreme upper-right of the Contract form view, the Calculate Royalty checkbox

Contracts/Royalty records without this item checked are omitted from all royalty-generation activities.